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FancyMenu Wiki/自定义菜单背景:修订间差异

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(创建页面,内容为“== 关于 == 你可以使用FancyMenu编写你自己的自定义背景拓展模组,而且你可以在布局中使用它们。 重要:Menu Background API只在FancyMenu v2.6.2+可用! == 准备开发环境 == 请参阅 准备工作区。 == 添加菜单背景 == 每一个菜单背景都系要两个类。 第一个是<code>MenuBackgroundType</code>。 这个是你的背景类型(比如已经存在的动画,或是全景…”)

2022年11月22日 (二) 15:59的版本



重要:Menu Background API只在FancyMenu v2.6.2+可用!


请参阅 准备工作区






这个类是你的菜单背景实例。MenuBackgroundTypes Hold并创建MenuBackgrounds,从而它们可以在布局上渲染出来。







用户可以点击一个"input string button"来输入输入字符串。




MenuBackground Class







public ExampleMenuBackground(@Nonnull String uniqueBackgroundIdentifier, @Nonnull MenuBackgroundType type, Color color) {
    //The identifier needs to be UNIQUE!
    //It's not possible to register multiple backgrounds with the same identifier to the same background type.
    super(uniqueBackgroundIdentifier, type);
    //Custom color variable. Will get rendered as background later.
    this.color = color;




public void onOpenMenu() {
    //Gets called when opening a NEW menu (not when resizing it).
    //If you want to reset stuff of your background instance when the menu changes, do it here.



//Here you will render the background instance.
//You should always render backgrounds over the full size of the screen, otherwise it will look ugly.
public void render(PoseStack matrix, Screen screen, boolean keepAspectRatio) {

    try {

        //Simply renders a colored background to the full size of the screen it is rendered in.
        //We will ignore the keepAspectRatio param here, because, well, a simple colored background has no aspect ratio.
        GuiComponent.fill(matrix, 0, 0, screen.width, screen.height, this.color.getRGB());

    } catch (Exception e) {



package de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.example.no_input_string;

import com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.PoseStack;
import de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.MenuBackground;
import de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.MenuBackgroundType;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiComponent;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.awt.*;

//This is an example menu background that simply renders a color.
//The color can be set on construction.
public class ExampleMenuBackground extends MenuBackground {

    protected Color color;

    public ExampleMenuBackground(@Nonnull String uniqueBackgroundIdentifier, @Nonnull MenuBackgroundType type, Color color) {
        //The identifier needs to be UNIQUE!
        //It's not possible to register multiple backgrounds with the same identifier to the same background type.
        super(uniqueBackgroundIdentifier, type);
        //Will get rendered as background.
        this.color = color;

    public void onOpenMenu() {
        //Gets called when opening a NEW menu (not when resizing it).
        //If you want to reset stuff of your background instance when the menu changes, do it here.

    //Here you will render the background instance.
    //You should always render backgrounds over the full size of the screen, otherwise it will look ugly.
    public void render(PoseStack matrix, Screen screen, boolean keepAspectRatio) {

        try {

            //Simply renders a colored background to the full size of the screen it is rendered in.
            //We will ignore the keepAspectRatio param here, because, well, a simple colored background has no aspect ratio.
            GuiComponent.fill(matrix, 0, 0, screen.width, screen.height, this.color.getRGB());

        } catch (Exception e) {



MenuBackgroundType Class






public ExampleMenuBackgroundType() {
    //This identifier needs to be UNIQUE! It is not possible to register multiple types with the same identifier.


//In normal mode (when not using input strings), this is the place you register all of the background instances for the type.
//This method gets called on game start and when the reload button gets pressed.
//For example, when you want to use a directory where users can put their background properties, like FancyMenu does for animations and slideshows,
//load all backgrounds from this directory here.
public void loadBackgrounds() {

    //Clear the loaded backgrounds first.

    //Background identifiers need to be UNIQUE when registering backgrounds!
    //It is not possible to register multiple backgrounds with the same identifier!
    //In this case I just directly register a set of background instances,
    //but you can also use this (for example) to load stored background properties, etc.
    this.addBackground(new ExampleMenuBackground("green_background", this, new Color(117, 245, 66)));
    this.addBackground(new ExampleMenuBackground("blue_background", this, new Color(66, 126, 245)));
    this.addBackground(new ExampleMenuBackground("orange_background", this, new Color(245, 164, 51)));




//You don't really have much space for the display name, so try to choose a short one ond explain the type further in the description.
public String getDisplayName() {
    return "Example Type No Input";



//Gets displayed when hovering over the type switcher in the background options menu in the layout editor.
//This is great for telling users everything important about your background type!
public List<String> getDescription() {
    List<String> l = new ArrayList<>();
    l.add("This background type has a set");
    l.add("of backgrounds to choose from.");
    l.add("It doesn't use input strings.");
    return l;




public boolean needsInputString() {
    //Return false, because we don't use input strings for this type.
    return false;



public MenuBackground createInstanceFromInputString(String inputString) {
    //Return null, because we don't use input strings for this type.
    return null;


package de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.example.no_input_string;

import de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.MenuBackground;
import de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.MenuBackgroundType;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

//This is a background type that doesn't use an input string.
//It doesn't create background instances on-the-fly, but has a set of loaded instances to choose from.
public class ExampleMenuBackgroundType extends MenuBackgroundType {

    public ExampleMenuBackgroundType() {
        //This identifier needs to be UNIQUE! It is not possible to register multiple types with the same identifier.

    //In normal mode (when not using input strings), this is the place you register all of the background instances for the type.
    //This method gets called on game start and when the reload button gets pressed.
    //For example, when you want to use a directory where users can put their background properties, like FancyMenu does for animations and slideshows,
    //load all backgrounds from this directory here.
    public void loadBackgrounds() {

        //Clear the loaded backgrounds first.

        //Background identifiers need to be UNIQUE when registering backgrounds!
        //It is not possible to register multiple backgrounds with the same identifier!
        //In this case I just directly register a set of background instances,
        //but you can also use this (for example) to load stored background properties, etc.
        this.addBackground(new ExampleMenuBackground("green_background", this, new Color(117, 245, 66)));
        this.addBackground(new ExampleMenuBackground("blue_background", this, new Color(66, 126, 245)));
        this.addBackground(new ExampleMenuBackground("orange_background", this, new Color(245, 164, 51)));


    //You don't really have much space for the display name, so try to choose a short one ond explain the type further in the description.
    public String getDisplayName() {
        return "Example Type No Input";

    //Gets displayed when hovering over the type switcher in the background options menu in the layout editor.
    //This is great for telling users everything important about your background type!
    public List<String> getDescription() {
        List<String> l = new ArrayList<>();
        l.add("This background type has a set");
        l.add("of backgrounds to choose from.");
        l.add("It doesn't use input strings.");
        return l;

    public boolean needsInputString() {
        //Return false, because we don't use input strings for this type.
        return false;

    public MenuBackground createInstanceFromInputString(String inputString) {
        //Return null, because we don't use input strings for this type.
        return null;




package de.keksuccino.fancymenu;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;
import de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.MenuBackgroundTypeRegistry;

public class ExampleModMainClass {

    public ExampleModMainClass() {
        try {

            //Register your MenuBackgroundType to the MenuBackgroundTypeRegistry at mod init.
            MenuBackgroundTypeRegistry.registerBackgroundType(new ExampleMenuBackgroundType());

        } catch (Exception e) {



输入字符串模式下的MenuBackgroundTypes从一个输入字符串中快速创建MenuBackground实例。 这些实例并不会想普通模式会被储存下来,而是每次布局被加载时新的实例也会被创建。 MenuBackground Class 创建一个MenuBackground的新子类并取一个合适的名字 接下来骂我会给我的示例类起名为ExampleMenuBackgroundForInputString。 这里有一些需要特别注意的事项。 构造方法(Constructor) 和普通模式不一样,你不需要为你的背景整一个唯一的标识符,因为它们并不会被储存下来。在输入字符串模式下,你为MenuBackground实例使用什么标识符基本上并不重要。 当然,这里仍然可以在构造上设置变量。 public ExampleMenuBackgroundForInputString(@Nonnull MenuBackgroundType type, String imagePath) {

   //Identifiers aren't really used for backgrounds that don't get registered to a type (because the type uses the input string),
   //so just set something random here.
   super("unused_identifier", type);
   //Check if the image exists and has the correct file type, then load it.
   File imageFile = new File(imagePath);
   if (imageFile.exists() && (imageFile.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpg") || imageFile.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpeg") || imageFile.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".png"))) {
       this.imageLocation = TextureHandler.getResource(imageFile.getPath());
       if (this.imageLocation != null) {

} 复制代码

onOpenMenu() 这个方法对于输入字符串模式的背景没用,因为在每一次加载菜单时总会创建新的实例,所以这没啥可重置的。 @Override public void onOpenMenu() {

   //Empty because everytime the menu gets opened, a new instance of the background will be created
   //when using input strings, so you don't need to reset stuff.

} 复制代码

render() 调用此方法来渲染你的菜单背景实例。 应该指我解释一下在这里做什么,对吧? //Here you will render the background instance. //在这里你可以渲染背景实例。 //You should always render backgrounds over the full size of the screen, otherwise it will look ugly. //你应该全屏渲染背景,否则看着会很丑。 @Override public void render(PoseStack matrix, Screen screen, boolean keepAspectRatio) {

   try {
       //Check if the image location is ready to get rendered
       if ((this.imageLocation != null) && this.imageLocation.isReady()) {
           RenderSystem.setShaderColor(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
           //If the keep-aspect-ratio toggle is disabled, just stretch the image background to the full size of the screen it is rendered in
           if (!keepAspectRatio) {
               GuiComponent.blit(matrix, 0, 0, 1.0F, 1.0F, screen.width, screen.height, screen.width, screen.height);
           //If the background image should keep its aspect ratio, try to keep the aspect ratio as long as possible.
           //As soon as it's not possible to keep the aspect ratio anymore, just stretch it.
           } else {
               int w = this.imageLocation.getWidth();
               int h = this.imageLocation.getHeight();
               double ratio = (double) w / (double) h;
               int wfinal = (int)(screen.height * ratio);
               int screenCenterX = screen.width / 2;
               if (wfinal < screen.width) {
                   GuiComponent.blit(matrix, 0, 0, 1.0F, 1.0F, screen.width, screen.height, screen.width, screen.height);
               } else {
                   GuiComponent.blit(matrix, screenCenterX - (wfinal / 2), 0, 1.0F, 1.0F, wfinal, screen.height, wfinal, screen.height);
   } catch (Exception e) {

} 复制代码

完整样例类 完整的MenuBackground示例。 package de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.example.with_input_string;

import; import com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.PoseStack; import de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.MenuBackground; import de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.MenuBackgroundType; import de.keksuccino.konkrete.rendering.RenderUtils; import de.keksuccino.konkrete.resources.ExternalTextureResourceLocation; import de.keksuccino.konkrete.resources.TextureHandler; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiComponent; import net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import;

//This is an example menu background that renders an external image. //这是一个渲染外部图像的菜单背景的例子。 //It gets created by a background type that uses an input string to get the image file. //它由使用输入字符串获取图片文件的背景创建。 public class ExampleMenuBackgroundForInputString extends MenuBackground {

   private ExternalTextureResourceLocation imageLocation = null;
   public ExampleMenuBackgroundForInputString(@Nonnull MenuBackgroundType type, String imagePath) {
       //Identifiers aren't really used for backgrounds that don't get registered to a type (because the type uses the input string),
       //so just set something random here.
       super("unused_identifier", type);
       //Check if the image exists and has the correct file type, then load it.
       File imageFile = new File(imagePath);
       if (imageFile.exists() && (imageFile.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpg") || imageFile.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpeg") || imageFile.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".png"))) {
           this.imageLocation = TextureHandler.getResource(imageFile.getPath());
           if (this.imageLocation != null) {
   public void onOpenMenu() {
       //Empty because everytime the menu gets opened, a new instance of the background will be created
       //when using input strings, so you don't need to reset stuff.
   //Here you will render the background instance.
   //You should always render backgrounds over the full size of the screen, otherwise it will look ugly.
   public void render(PoseStack matrix, Screen screen, boolean keepAspectRatio) {
       try {
           //Check if the image location is ready to get rendered
           if ((this.imageLocation != null) && this.imageLocation.isReady()) {
               RenderSystem.setShaderColor(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
               //If the keep-aspect-ratio toggle is disabled, just stretch the image background to the full size of the screen it is rendered in
               if (!keepAspectRatio) {
                   GuiComponent.blit(matrix, 0, 0, 1.0F, 1.0F, screen.width, screen.height, screen.width, screen.height);
               //If the background image should keep its aspect ratio, try to keep the aspect ratio as long as possible.
               //As soon as it's not possible to keep the aspect ratio anymore, just stretch it.
               } else {
                   int w = this.imageLocation.getWidth();
                   int h = this.imageLocation.getHeight();
                   double ratio = (double) w / (double) h;
                   int wfinal = (int)(screen.height * ratio);
                   int screenCenterX = screen.width / 2;
                   if (wfinal < screen.width) {
                       GuiComponent.blit(matrix, 0, 0, 1.0F, 1.0F, screen.width, screen.height, screen.width, screen.height);
                   } else {
                       GuiComponent.blit(matrix, screenCenterX - (wfinal / 2), 0, 1.0F, 1.0F, wfinal, screen.height, wfinal, screen.height);
       } catch (Exception e) {

} 复制代码

MenuBackgroundType Class 创建一个MenuBackgroundType的新子类并给它取合适的名字。 接下来我会将我的示例背景类型类命名为ExampleMenuBackgroundTypeWithInputString。 在这个类中有一些特别的点你需要留意。 构造方法(Constructor) 这里的构造方法用于设置你背景类型唯一的标识符。 public ExampleMenuBackgroundTypeWithInputString() {

   //This identifier needs to be UNIQUE! It is not possible to register multiple types with the same identifier.

} 复制代码

loadBackgrounds() 在输入字符串模式下,此方法未被使用,因为在此模式下,MenuBackground实例会被即时创建。 @Override

   public void loadBackgrounds() {
   //Empty because background instances get created on-the-fly via createInstanceFromInputString()

} 复制代码

getDisplayName() 调用此方法获取背景类型名。 名称显示在布局编辑器的背景选项中。 //You don't really have much space for the display name, so try to choose a short one ond explain the type further in the description. //显示名字的空间很挤,你的类型名字简短点吧,在描述里详细说明就好。 @Override public String getDisplayName() {

   return "Example Type w/ Input";

} 复制代码

getDescription() 获取背景类型的描述。 在布局编辑器的背景选项中显示。 //Gets displayed when hovering over the type switcher in the background options menu in the layout editor. //在布局编辑器的背景选项菜单中悬停在类型切换器上时显示。 //This is great for telling users everything important about your background type! //这对于告诉用户你的背景类型的所有重要信息非常有用! @Override public List<String> getDescription() {

   List<String> l = new ArrayList<>();
   l.add("This is an example type");
   l.add("that uses input strings.");
   l.add("You can choose an image that");
   l.add("then gets displayed as background.");
   return l;

} 复制代码

needsInputString() 这是最重要的方法,因为你得在这选择背景类型模式。 在这里,我们返回true,因为我们想为咱的背景类型使用输入字符串模式。 返回false会将背景类型设置为普通模式。 @Override public boolean needsInputString() {

   //Return true to set this background type to the "input string mode".
   //返回true以将背景类型设置为"input string mode"(输入字符串模式)
   //This means it will call the createInstanceFromInputString() method to create instances of your background,
   //instead of getting it from the loaded background instances.
   return true;

} 复制代码

createInstanceFromInputString() 当处于输入字符串模式时,每次需要一个新的MenuBackground实例时都会调用这个方法。 它基本是菜单背景工厂。 这个方法有给定的输入字符串作为参数,所以你可以用它来创建新的实例。 //In input string mode, this will get called whenever a new background instance is needed. //在输入字符串模式下,每当需要一个新的背景实例时,它都会被调用。 //Is called when opening a menu or when clicking on the input string button in the background options menu of the layout editor. //在打开菜单或点击布局编辑器的背景选项菜单中的输入字符串按钮时被调用。 @Override public MenuBackground createInstanceFromInputString(String inputString) {

   //Return a new background instance from the inputString.
   //In this case, the inputString is a path to an image file.
   return new ExampleMenuBackgroundForInputString(this, inputString);

} 复制代码

onInputStringButtonPress() 这里,你可以指定当用户在布局编辑器的后台选项中点击输入字符串按钮时会发生什么。 在这基本没啥限制,除了让猴子写代码,想干啥干啥,只要你可以在最后正确地将新背景设置成编辑器实例。 //This gets called when the input string button in the background options is pressed by the user. //这个方法当用户按下背景选项上的输入字符串按钮后会被调用。 //You can basically do everything here. //基本在这你啥都能干。 @Override public void onInputStringButtonPress(LayoutEditorScreen handler, BackgroundOptionsPopup optionsPopup) {

   //This is a file chooser popup to choose the image for the background.
   ChooseFilePopup cf = new ChooseFilePopup((filePath) -> {
       if (filePath != null) {
           //Always create a snapshot before changing the custom background fields!
           //Always reset all backgrounds before setting a new one!
           //Always set the raw input string (file path in this case) to the input string field!
           handler.customMenuBackgroundInputString = filePath;
           //Create a new instance of your background and set it to the custom background field!
           handler.customMenuBackground = this.createInstanceFromInputString(filePath);
       //This will open the parent popup again after choosing an image.
   }, "jpg", "jpeg", "png");
   if ((handler.customMenuBackgroundInputString != null)) {
   //Open the file chooser popup.

} 复制代码

inputStringButtonLabel() 返回布局编辑器的背景选项中的输入字符串按钮的标签。 //The button label of the input string button in the background options. //背景选项中输入字符串按钮的按钮标签。 @Override public String inputStringButtonLabel() {

   return "Choose File";

} 复制代码

inputStringButtonTooltip() 返回布局编辑器的背景选项中输入字符串按钮的工具提示。 //A tooltip that gets displayed when hovering over the input string button in the background options menu of the layout editor. //当悬停在布局编辑器的背景选项菜单的输入字符串按钮上时,会显示工具提示。 @Override public List<String> inputStringButtonTooltip() {

   List<String> l = new ArrayList<>();
   l.add("This is a button tooltip");
   l.add("for the 'Choose File' button.");
   return l;

} 复制代码

完整示例 下面是完整的MenuBackgroundType样例. package de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.example.with_input_string;

import de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.MenuBackground; import de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.MenuBackgroundType; import; import; import; import de.keksuccino.konkrete.gui.screens.popup.PopupHandler;

import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List;

//This is a background type that creates backgrounds out of user string inputs. //从用户的字符串输入中创建的背景的背景类型。 //It displays a "Choose File" button in the background options of the layout editor, so the user can choose a file for a background. //它在布局编辑器的背景选项中显示一个"Choose File"按钮,因此用户可以选择一个文件作为背景。 //This file path (input string) is then used to create an instance of the background. //文件路径(输入的字符串)用于创建背景实例. public class ExampleMenuBackgroundTypeWithInputString extends MenuBackgroundType {

   public ExampleMenuBackgroundTypeWithInputString() {
       //This identifier needs to be UNIQUE! It is not possible to register multiple types with the same identifier.
   public void loadBackgrounds() {
       //Empty because background instances get created on-the-fly via createInstanceFromInputString()
   //You don't really have much space for the display name, so try to choose a short one ond explain the type further in the description.
   public String getDisplayName() {
       return "Example Type w/ Input";
   //Gets displayed when hovering over the type switcher in the background options menu in the layout editor.
   //This is great for telling users everything important about your background type!
   public List<String> getDescription() {
       List<String> l = new ArrayList<>();
       l.add("This is an example type");
       l.add("that uses input strings.");
       l.add("You can choose an image that");
       l.add("then gets displayed as background.");
       return l;
   public boolean needsInputString() {
       //Return true to set this background type to the "input string mode".
       //返回true以将背景类型设置为"input string mode"(输入字符串模式)
       //This means it will call the createInstanceFromInputString() method to create instances of your background,
       //instead of getting it from the loaded background instances.
       return true;
   //In input string mode, this will get called whenever a new background instance is needed.
   //Is called when opening a menu or when clicking on the input string button in the background options menu of the layout editor.
   public MenuBackground createInstanceFromInputString(String inputString) {
       //Return a new background instance from the inputString.
       return new ExampleMenuBackgroundForInputString(this, inputString);
   //This gets called when the input string button in the background options is pressed by the user.
   //You can basically do everything here.
   public void onInputStringButtonPress(LayoutEditorScreen handler, BackgroundOptionsPopup optionsPopup) {
       //This is a file chooser popup to choose the image for the background.
       ChooseFilePopup cf = new ChooseFilePopup((filePath) -> {
           if (filePath != null) {
               //Always create a snapshot before changing the custom background fields!
               //Always reset all backgrounds before setting a new one!
               //Always set the raw input string (file path in this case) to the input string field!
               handler.customMenuBackgroundInputString = filePath;
               //Create a new instance of your background and set it to the custom background field!
               handler.customMenuBackground = this.createInstanceFromInputString(filePath);
           //This will open the parent popup again after choosing an image.
       }, "jpg", "jpeg", "png");
       if ((handler.customMenuBackgroundInputString != null)) {
       //Open the file chooser popup.
   //The button label of the input string button in the background options.
   public String inputStringButtonLabel() {
       return "Choose File";
   //A tooltip that gets displayed when hovering over the input string button in the background options menu of the layout editor.
   public List<String> inputStringButtonTooltip() {
       List<String> l = new ArrayList<>();
       l.add("This is a button tooltip");
       l.add("for the 'Choose File' button.");
       return l;

} 复制代码

注册菜单背景 你就快完成了 现在你只需要在游戏加载时把你的MenuBackgroundType注册到MenuBackgroundTypeRegistry. package de.keksuccino.fancymenu;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod; import de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.background.MenuBackgroundTypeRegistry;

@Mod("modid") public class ExampleModMainClass {

   public ExampleModMainClass() {
       try {
           //Register your MenuBackgroundType to the MenuBackgroundTypeRegistry at mod init.
           MenuBackgroundTypeRegistry.registerBackgroundType(new ExampleMenuBackgroundTypeWithInputString());
       } catch (Exception e) {

} 复制代码