
添加1,667字节 、​ 2020年11月14日 (星期六)
→‎后续:​ // Edit via Wikiplus
→‎宣扬AbyssalCraft Wiki:​ // Edit via Wikiplus
→‎后续:​ // Edit via Wikiplus
** 然而据某位不愿意透露名字的Gamepedia用户所说:“他的这种偏激性格对于所有人都是,他的敌人,甚至他的‘朋友’。最终,他不干了。”
* 不知什么时候,Angrydog001停用了他的QQ,社交账号也基本停用。除了有时使用bot在QQ聊天,基本已经近乎全退坑于中文网络环境。
* 一位Minecraft Wiki用户曾经帮助MashKJo向Gamepedia发送锤Angrydog001的工单(然而,得到的结果不了了之,回复是:“我们会调查的。”):
{{Quote|'''Hi there,
I have found a very suspicious block: https://adventofascension-zh.gamepedia.com/UserProfile:Mashkjo
This user is blocked for "Abusing multiple accounts (User:Huajiqaq) to create vandalism; Personal Attack", but Huajiqaq did not create any vandalism, and is very unlikely to violate policies about multiple accounts.
Diff 7224 in aoa-zh made by Huajiqaq seems just like a test edit and it was reverted by the user itself.
Also there is no record in any wikis the user has ever edited before, can prove "Personal Attack".
And the admin who performed the block, Angrydog001, is very likely abusing his permission. Angrydog have blocked Ff98sha, the Chinese MCW bureaucrat, for no reason (@2019-02-16 11:57 UTC).
Also, Angrydog is personal attacking other users:
Angrydog create a userpage which contains personal attack infomation of powup333, the Chinese MCW bureaucrat (https://adventofascension-zh.gamepedia.com/User:Angrydog001/quote , content deleted in aoa-zh diff 17234).
Also, for Mashkjo, Angrydog created "Advent of Ascension Wiki:当前活跃的破坏者/MashkJo". It was deleted due to the request at the user talk page of Scimiguy(User talk:Scimiguy), the aoa-en bureaucrat. But Angrydog archived the talk page ASAP(User talk:Scimiguy/存档1), and did not leave a link, to pretend the whole thing did not happenned at all.
Altogether, this block, and also the admin, Angrydog, looks quite suspicious, and worth investigating again.
== 他人评价 ==
