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用户:Salt lovely/Vector.scss:修订间差异

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添加836字节 、​ 2021年4月5日 (星期一)
<pre>$topbar-height: 1.5rem; // 顶栏高度
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"DejaVu serif", "Source Han Serif", "Source Han Serif SC";
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/* 最顶部的信息栏 */
// 背景
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//* 主体 */
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// 顶部栏
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&.icon a {
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border: 1px solid var(--linecolor);
background-color: var(--lightcolor);
#p-personal #pt-notifications-alert,
#p-personal #pt-notifications-notice {
margin-right: 0;
// 最顶部的信息栏
#p-personal {
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
height: $topbar-height;
padding: $topbar-padding $topbar-padding * 2;
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&:hover {
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// 适配
@media screen and (max-width: 982px) {
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left: 0;
//* 滚动公告 */
.topsign {
position: relative;
/* 适配 */
// 页脚
@media screen and (max-width: 982px) {
#footer {
padding#mw-bottom:panel 0;{
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transition: all 0.3s;
&:hover#content {
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