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添加2,006字节 、​ 2020年7月4日 (星期六)
2019年1月12日,MashKJo前往Gamepedia帮助Wiki,在Gamepedia职员Game widow的讨论页上询问如何能开通Wiki: ,同时向Ta举报Angrydog001的滥权行为:
{{Quote|'''Does Angrydog001 told you in Gamepedia Slack(It may that's why the wiki don't approved)?He said me is a bad user.Don't believe him,I think he is bad too.He shouldn't have administrator Group.(Angrydog001是不是在Gamepedia Slack上举报了我?这可能是我的申请不通过的原因。他说我是一个糟糕的贡献者。别信他,他不配有管理员权限。)'''|MashKJo}}
{{Quote|'''You just ping me, but still, I want to say something. I also have a question for you: Have you read the wiki rule before you edited articles? Everyone should obey it. Though hundreds of users obey the rule, why you couldn't do it plz. Other administrators and I found that you was always using MT, and not suggest using it. But you was determined to ignore our suggestions, and persist in doing it that you continue to. So we blocked you according to the wiki rule after discussions on zh-wiki's translation team (Supported: 8/Opposed: 0). You sent a request for unblocking the account when you are blocked by me, but don't realize that "I have done some vandalism, it's my fault", so I rejected it. Soon, you post comments which is about "Chinese Administrators are dictators"/"Angrydog001 YOU COME OUT!!!"/"LHLR is good time to die down here" and let me and others who hate your behavior spammed on Chinese community (Obviously on Baidu Tieba), that's serious personal attack. You should have your moments of quiet introspection.(你只是通知了我,然而我还想说些什么。我也有一个问题要问你:你在编辑条目前阅读过了Wiki条例吗?每个贡献者都应该遵守它。成百上千的用户可以遵守它,你为什么就不能?其他管理员和我发现你总是在使用可视化编辑(MT),但我们不建议使用它。但是你决心忽视我们的建议、我行我素。所以我们在中文翻译群组中讨论过后(支持:8/反对:0)根据Wiki条例封禁了你。你在被我封禁后向我发送了解封申请,但你没意识到“我破坏了,这是我的错”,所以我拒绝了。不久,你在很多中文社区中发表类似这样的帖子:“中文管理员就是独裁者。”“Angrydog001你出来!!!”“LHLR现在可以***了。”这让我和其他人讨厌你在中文社区的行为(尤其是百度贴吧)。那是严重的人身攻击,你应该自己冷静冷静。)'''|Angrydog001}}
同时Angrydog001也在Fandom发布举报MashKJo创建人身攻击Wiki的[ 话题讨论]:


